November National Adoption Month

November is National Adoption Month. Opt to Adopt there are so many wonderful kids in the system that need your love. I promise you this it will be the best, gratifying, rewarding, selfless, and most uplifting thing you will ever do… If you’ve ever said it, thought it, wondered about it. Make the call talk to someone and even if it’s me you want to talk to, lets talk about it… Why put off tomorrow when you can share your holidays with a wonderful child or children. I will advocate for kids in child care till the end… I have seen these amazingly wonderful kids first hand all they want is to be loved, a place to call home, and someone to love them as they are. Stop worrying if your to old, if you make enough money, how will my life change, and what if I’m not a good parent, truth is if your thinking these things its already in your heart you know what path you should be on. Make A Difference, Be the Difference, The Difference Starts With You. One more thing I want to share, the first time you here Daddy or Mommy I love you your life is forever changed and blessed.  That first hug, that first everything there are so many first for these kids…  Your life and your family awaits…. I have my blessings now its time to get yours….

Can I ask my friends and family to please SHARE this as much as possible?
Many of you know I have been building my consulting business and outreach to Adoptive and Foster Families Nationally. I can see now the difference having someone on YOUR side can make.
So many people have no idea about their rights as Adoptive & Foster Families , and I want to help them!
Thank you so much!

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