Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day

October is widely known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Today, however, is Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day. Metastasis is a medical term that loosely defines as a secondary growth that is located away from the first or primary site. Metastatic Breast Cancer is stage IV(4) – the most advanced stage of breast cancer. This entails the breast cancer has spread to other areas such as bones, lungs, liver, brain, etc. Although this is an advanced stage of cancer, this is not the end for those fighting! Modern technology and treatments have come a long way. Various organizations have created funding and taken donations that have helped with research and continuous awareness! For our moms, mums, mamas, daughters, granddaughters, sisters, grandmothers, memaws, nanas, nonas, neighbors, coworkers, and friends: We stand together for you on this day.


Check out our wide variety of Breast Cancer awareness products and show the world your support of this cause!

Breast Cancer Awareness Products